will, age 4
"mom, what are these beans called that are in my wiener that hurt when I pinch them?"
will to mom: "you're dumb."
mom: "i'm going to tell your dad you said that."
will: "no! i said you're gum! i said you're gum!"
babysitter: "will, time for bed."
will: "no. here's what's going to happen: i'm gonna go downstairs, watch a kid's cartoon show, eat some chicken nuggets, and you're not going to say anymore bad words to me."
after playing guitar hero: "i can't wait to grow up so I can wear a metal shirt and drive a van."
"i can't wait until i'm eight so i can have a mustache."
after mission impossible 3: "i want to put a missile in my brain so i can die and have my own haunted mansion."
compiled by chris crosby
after life, after laugh
when this is all over
and 'today' lasts an eternity,
it will be a really funny joke
if there's something you don't want to do
to say, "i'll get it done
first thing tomorrow"
description of a house in paraguay
there are two rooms separated by a curtain,
beds with worn mattresses,
the smell of yerba mate and a small cooking fire,
a low cement door frame with no door,
chickens coming in and out unnoticed,
the yard full of banana trees,
an old man rotting in his own bed,
a plastic cup full of worms he coughs up,
two wooden chairs,
a coat rack with some dusty old jackets,
a window letting in a square of bright morning light.
austinrory hackett
my entry for this blog this week is a bit of a fake. i did not write this piece. i am a pre-school teacher at a low income school in houston texas. one of my big goals for my students is that they become really good writers. every day we journal to help us become better writers. for most of my students they simply scribble a picture and maybe write a few random letters, which is appropriate for a 4 year to do. but, i have had a few students really take off. when a student works really hard on their journal, they have the option of typing it up so that we can publish it later. i have chosen a few select entries from one of my students, shia. i help type the date, and she does the rest! enjoy.
april 12, 2009: shia said, we went in a lemo the end. to take us home to a chinis retsrut the end.
april 15, 2009: shia said, “me and ms. morton went to the woods to see a bear and then he jumped inside the volcano the end.
april 21, 2009: shia said, “me and ms morton are going to bryans party to have cake the end. april 22, 2009: shia said, “ me and ms. morton went to clean the earth to save the wolrd.
april 29, 2009: shia said, “me and ms.morten went to see a quail and a xray the end. because we are learning the letter q And x the end.
may 4, 2009: shia said, “me and ms. morten are going to the library to be smart
megan morton & shia
i said i wouldn’t date you
it is not that you are are not attractive and good and smart and kind.
but you don’t believe in global warming.
and i do
especially when I think of a little polar bear cub stranded on a piece of ice that is melting so fast that the little baby won’t know how to swim when he is thrown into the depths of the arctic ocean.
so i still believe in global warming, and you still don’t
but now we are dating.
and i don’t want to change your mind, because i know you sure as hell will not change mine.
and I know my hippie friends may disapprove, but i have come to realize that you are attractive, good, smart and kinder to me than i deserve.
and if you are right, and the earth is at atmospheric peace, then i want to enjoy that infinite amount of days with you.
and if i am right, and tomorrow we evaporate into a pile of teeth and chaco sandals, i still would have wanted to have been with you.
megan morton without shia
aren't I glad to have a hero
aren't I glad to feel sorrow
aren't I glad to see blood
aren't I glad to use bandages
aren't I glad to feel joy
aren't I glad to find meaning
aren't I glad there is purpose
even when my doubts fly high
my faith is crawling low
aren't I glad friends give me thought
aren't I glad I don't know the answers
aren't I glad there are clarities
aren't I glad I'm weak
aren't I glad I have the chance to grow
aren't I glad for the dead
aren't I glad to go on living.
erik fullmer
I used to see it
but now I see green for red
in its empty space eleanor kramer
i have a secret
i want to make a boat out of wood.
most likely oak or cedar wood.
but only because i think they are more sturdy than other woods.
i dont know how to make a boat out of wood
most likely i'll have to cut it.
but only because thats what the youtube instruction video said.
and so im going to make a boat out of wood.
dont judge me
rich curtis